User Experience and
User Interface Design
I take your project from Creative Brief through sitemapping, wireframing, prototyping, user testing, to development & production.
I specialize in two complementary areas which is unusual in this field: Design and coding. I design things and I build them. I always keep users in mind, and I get excited about new developments in technology and how they can be applied to advance the human condition.
I take your project from Creative Brief through sitemapping, wireframing, prototyping, user testing, to development & production.
I have a long track record of success in web development. My tools of the trade are Drupal 9, Acquia Cloud, Pantheon, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, GIT, SASS, Jekyll, Wordpress, Amazon Web Services, CERTBot Security Certificates, Unix, NPM, RubyGems.
Women Techmakers Ambassadors are community leaders around the world passionate about achieving gender parity in technology. We believe change starts at the grassroots level, and by building a gender equitable community ecosystem we can begin to shift the industry as a whole.
Paper prototyping, user flows, wireframes, high fidelity user interfaces, interactive prototypes using Adobe XD, & user testing.
Drupal 8 Front End and Back End Development, Acquia Cloud, Pantheon, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, GIT, SASS, Jekyll, Wordpress, Amazon Web Services, CERTBot Security Certificates, Unix, NPM, RubyGems
I love vector artwork and flat design. Adobe Illustrator is my favorite design tool.
I have years of experience of web project management for different schools at the University of Virginia.
Since 2014 I have been the Lead Organizer for Google Developer Group - Central Virginia. We aim to provide technical training on the latest technologies in the Central Virginia region.